WEC#5 : The Firebreathers art !

WEC 2023 : A Fiery Adventure

The Weekend Crache (WEC#5) brought together beginners and professionals, all passionate about the art of fire breathing, with 20 participants on Friday and 35 on Saturday, the enthusiasm was palpable from the start of this meeting. you have been waiting for. Thank you to l'Arbre Perché, in Lower Normandy for welcoming us once again.

After a friendly aperitif dinner on Friday evening, the participants headed to the Saint-Sauveur Church in Bellême to take captivating photos on Saturday evening. However, the location did not allow us to create the images we had in mind. In a few seconds we changed plans and headed towards the Chapelle-Montligeon, perfect for "Fire photography", because it offers a setting more conducive to the fiery atmosphere that the participants were looking for.

Spectacle de Cracheurs de FeuSpectacle de Cracheurs de FeuFlor Pyrogen Human torch Flame throwerTorche humaine Flor PyrogenCracheuse de FeuCracheuse de FeuCracheur de Feu

Saturday was a total immersion in the art of Fire-breathing. The introductory workshops with Syd allowed beginners to discover the basics of this fascinating discipline, while the movements and rotations which were presented by Andrey Das added a dynamic dimension to the performances.
Learning “Fire eating” with Flor Pyrogen, who made a daring demonstration of mastery and skill, was very successful.
The first passing flames for the most advanced of the day were an event within the event.

apprendre a cracher du FeuApprendre a cracher du FeuApprendre a cracher du FeuFire eating Flor PyrogenFire eating workshop Flor Pyrogenpassing Fire eating

The weekend ended on Sunday at 4 p.m., with lasting memories in the minds of all participants. The 2023 Spit Weekend will be remembered as a fiery good adventure, where the passion for this daring art was celebrated. Participants left with increased knowledge, honed skills and strengthened friendships.

We warmly thank all the participants, dedicated volunteers and artists who helped make WEC#5 such a success. We are already looking forward to seeing you next year!

Souffleur de FeuLance Flamme SYD Cracheur de FeuFeu de campRassemblement de Cracheurs de Feu

To see all the images, click HERE.
Photos by Yann Delcambre.

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Tags: Photographer, Fire Photography, Stage, Photo, Archive


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